Reading Prompts

The following contemporary poems, published recently in Canadian Literature, reflect upon events, topics, and issues related to this chapter.

If one of the poems appeals to you, and you would like to read it more closely or write a paper about it, here are some suggestions:

  • Have a look at the Close Reading Poetry chapter.
  • Return to the poem and work through it line by line in the ways modelled by the sample readings.
  • Ask yourself why the poem was selected for this unit—the answer will help you focus your close reading.

Antiphony by George Elliott Clarke

The speaker in this poem is decades late bringing canonical British poetry to rural Nova Scotia. Why do you think that is? Is poetry there already?

Bequest by Christopher Levenson

Locating the speaker in time and space allows the shards to reassemble somewhat. Is this one point of the poem?

grain by matt robinson

How does Dali fit into the poem?

Works Cited

  • Clarke, George Elliott. Antiphony. Canadian Literature 157 (1998): 12. Print.888
  • Levenson, Christopher. Bequest. Canadian Literature 189 (2006): 49. Print.
  • robinson, matt. grain. Canadian Literature 164 (2000): 56. Print.