E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake): Further Readings

Project Gutenberg offers the following works by Johnson for free download:

To find out more about E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)’s life and works, check out these helpful resources:

  • Gray, Charlotte. Flint & Feather: The Life and Times of E. Pauline Johnson. Toronto: HarperFlamingo, 2002. Print.
  • Johnson, E. Pauline [Tekahionwake]. E. Pauline Johnson, Tekahionwake: Collected Poems and Selected Prose. Ed. Carole Gerson and Veronica Strong-Boag. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2002. Print.
  • Strong-Boag, Veronica, and Carole Gerson. Paddling Her Own Canoe: The Times and Texts of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake). Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2000. Print.