The 2016/2017 CanLit Guides Editorial Team is composed of Kathryn Grafton, Laura Moss, Ceilidh Hart, Shannon Smyrl, and Brendan McCormack, with the administrative support of Donna Chin, web support of Christy Fong, and student support of Josephine Lee. For information on previous members of our editorial team, please see our About page.
Early Feminism in Canada, Late 1600s–1800s
Emerging Feminisms and Suffrage, Late 1800s–1920s
The Modern Woman and Modernist Masculinity, 1920s–1950s
Little Magazines and Feminism
Second-wave Feminist Expansion, 1950s–1980s
Third-wave Feminisms, 1980s and Onwards
CWILA and Literary Representation
Shane Rhodes and Visualizing Settler-Indigenous Interactions
"Circle the Wagons: In Ink: mediatation on Treaty Two" by Shane Rhodes
"Settlement, Mining, Lumbering, Trading: mediatation on Treaty Eight" by Shane Rhodes
"The Promise/Broken Land: mediatation on Treaty Three" by Shane Rhodes
"Soundscape as Landscape #1: Peaceful, Unified, and Unarmed" by Shane Rhodes
Jordan Abel and Ethnographic Erasure
"The silhouette of a pole on the shore of the Nass River" by Jordan Abel
Exercise: Poetic Connections
"A Strong Race Opinion" (1892) by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
Stolen Stories Assignment
"A Red Girl's Reasoning" (1913) by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
"The Cattle Thief (1895)" by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
“The Indian Corn Planter” (1912) by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
“The Corn Husker” (1903) by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake): Poetic Comparisons and Connections
E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake): Further Readings
Early Feminism in Canada, Late 1600s–1800s
Emerging Feminisms and Suffrage, Late 1800s–1920s
The Modern Woman and Modernist Masculinity, 1920s–1950s
Little Magazines and Feminism
Second-wave Feminist Expansion, 1950s–1980s
Third-wave Feminisms, 1980s and Onwards
CWILA and Literary Representation
Shane Rhodes and Visualizing Settler-Indigenous Interactions
"Circle the Wagons: In Ink: mediatation on Treaty Two" by Shane Rhodes
"Settlement, Mining, Lumbering, Trading: mediatation on Treaty Eight" by Shane Rhodes
"The Promise/Broken Land: mediatation on Treaty Three" by Shane Rhodes
"Soundscape as Landscape #1: Peaceful, Unified, and Unarmed" by Shane Rhodes
Jordan Abel and Ethnographic Erasure
"The silhouette of a pole on the shore of the Nass River" by Jordan Abel
Exercise: Poetic Connections
"A Strong Race Opinion" (1892) by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
Stolen Stories Assignment
"A Red Girl's Reasoning" (1913) by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
"The Cattle Thief (1895)" by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
“The Indian Corn Planter” (1912) by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
“The Corn Husker” (1903) by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake): Poetic Comparisons and Connections
E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake): Further Readings

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